1. Quick Start Guide

This describes usage for a generic UNIX-based platform. See “Platform-Specific Usage” for instructions for several specific platforms.

1.1. Requirements

ENRICO itself requires the following:

  • C, C++, and Fortran compilers
  • MPI libraries for C and Fortran
  • CMake v3.3 or higher

ENRICO’s component solvers have additional dependencies:

  • OpenMC: Requires HDF5 v1.8 or higher
  • nekRS: Requires GNU compilers
  • Shift: See Shift documentation for full requirements

1.2. Configuring, Building, and Installing

The general workflow is:

  1. Create a build directory and enter it:

    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
  2. Configure with CMake, specifying the desired heat/fluids solver.

  • With Nek5000. The path to Nek5000’s case-specific compile-time input files must be specified by the USR_LOC CMake variable:

    $ CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx FC=mpifort cmake -DNEK_DIST=nek5000 -DUSR_LOC=../tests/singlerod/short/nek5000 ..
  • With nekRS:

    $ CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx FC=mpifort cmake -DNEK_DIST=nekrs ..
  • With heat surrogate solver only:

    $ CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx FC=mpifort cmake -DNEK_DIST=none ..

Note that ENRICO always installs OpenMC and the heat surrogate solver; and that SHIFT is installed if the SHIFT source is available in the source tree. Any installed solver can be selected at runtime (see “ENRICO Runtime Settings” for details).

Other commonly-used CMake variables (such as CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, etc.) are also supported.

  1. Run make and install. By default (i.e., if CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX was not specified), the executables will be in install/bin:

    $ make -j4 enrico install
  2. Set environment variables

  • Optional for all builds: Add the installation directory to the current path:

    $ export PATH=$(realpath install/bin):$PATH

1.3. Running a Case

ENRICO must be run from the directory containing the case’s input files. This includes the input files for the selected single-physics solvers; and the ENRICO-specific enrico.xml input file. See “ENRICO Runtime Settings” for details about enrico.xml.

For example, the full-length fuel rod test case can be run as follows. These commands assume you have added build/install/bin to the PATH environment variable; if not, you must refer to the full path to the enrico executable.

  • For OpenMC + Nek5000. rod_l.run03.tgz contains the restart solution for Nek5000:

    $ cd tests/singlerod/long/openmc_nek5000
    $ tar -xzf rod_l.run03.tgz
    $ mpirun -np 64 enrico
  • For OpenMC + NekRS. rod_l.run03.tgz contains the restart solution for nekRS:

    $ cd tests/singlerod/long/openmc_nekrs
    $ tar -xzf rod_l.run03.tgz
    $ mpirun -np 64 enrico
  • For OpenMC + heat surrogate:

    $ cd tests/singlerod/long/openmc_heat_surrogate
    $ mpirun -np 64 enrico